Mexico cannot intervene in the case of a Mexican detained in Qatar for being homosexual – El Sol de México

The Embassy of Mexico in Qatar He assured this Tuesday in a brief statement that, for his double nationalitycannot intervene in the case of Manuel Guerreroa homosexual mexican man that carries seven years living in Qatar and what was it arrested on February 4 in the capital, Doha, due to his sexual orientation.

“Because the interested party has registered his residence in Qatar as a national of the United Kingdom, the consulate of that country in Doha has been the entity responsible and recognized by Qatari authorities to make consular arrangements on his behalf,” the embassy explained through social network

Even so, they assured that the embassy She has been attentive to his evolution since she learned about the case. “She has remained in communication with her family, and it has been confirmed that she has legal representation,” she said.

Likewise, they asserted that they will continue to provide “punctual follow-up” together with the United Kingdom Embassy in Doha, in addition to staying in touch with his family.

This same Tuesday, the Manuel Guerrero Committeeformed by activists and groupings of the sexual diversity To promptly follow up on this case, he reported the situation of Guerrero, who was detained in Doha after attending an appointment arranged through an application and was received there by the Qatari Police.

The group reported that the Qatar Police created a fake profile on Grindr, a dating application, from where they contacted Manuel and arranged a meeting with him, posing as a homosexual man.

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When he arrived at the meeting place, Manuel did not find the man he was supposed to meet, but rather police officers who arbitrarily detained him.

Furthermore, the organization stated, they planted him with a quarter of a gram of methamphetamine, imprisoned him and subjected him to acts of psychological torture.

The organization also maintained that in prison Manuel has been threatened, isolated, deprived of food and water sufficient, in addition to the fact that he has been denied his right to have a lawyer and has been forced to sign documents in Arabic without a supporting translator.

On the other hand, they have prevented him from taking the antiretrovirals he needs for living with HIV.

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The Committee requested through inter-institutional work and that the integrity of the man.

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