The coordinator of the State Guard of Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas, is murdered – El Sol de México

The coordinator of the Mante City State GuardTamaulipas, was murdered on Tuesday night in this same municipality, confirmed the State Security and Civil Protection Spokesperson.

“A person is reported dead due to assault with a firearm in the neighborhood.” Amalia G. de Castillo Ledón from #Victoriathe spokesperson reported.

“Authorities confirm the unfortunate death of the Coordinator of the State Guard in El Mante. “The corresponding investigations are being carried out to clarify the facts.”he added.

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According to witnesses, the coordinator of the Mante State Guardidentified as José Alfredo, was murdered outside his house by individuals who were traveling in a compact vehicleapparently he was going accompanied by his wifewhose health status has not yet been confirmed.

At the moment, authorities have not expanded the information on the suspects involved in the attackhowever they revealed that the car they were traveling in was found hours later in a place in this municipality.

State guard has had 10 casualties

Since October 2022, when the administration of Américo Villarreal Anaya10 members of the State Lair have died

“We have 108 attacks, we have regretted that in actions we have 8 deaths, we have 2 in accidents involving administration people, they are a product of greater activity that the State Guard is carrying out,” reported in an interview, held this Monday, November 6, the head of the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), Sergio Chávez García.

“It is a very risky profession, it is a profession “What we assume and what we face, because we have the truck on,” he added.

He explained that the confrontations have been recorded in the gaps because it is where organized crime carries out drug trafficking. migrants and drugs.

“I believe that the strategy is working, the reports indicate that in the area of Palo Blanco, Rio Bravo, Reynosa “Where they gathered last month, no incident has occurred for more than three weeks,” he pointed out.

He stated that he has daily contact with the state policewho have not expressed feeling a special threat.

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Finally, the state official reported that this November 10, which will commemorate the first day of the State Guard, 170 elements will rejoin the State Guard who have already completed their training in the University of Security and Justice.

Originally published in The Sun of Tampico


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