PRI in CDMX also rejects ratifying Ernestina Godoy – El Sol de México

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) reported that the deputies of its bench in the Congress of Mexico City will vote against of the ratification of the capital prosecutor, Ernestina Godoyas he accused Morena of simulating the process to “strengthen his party interests.”

Through a statement, the tricolor party at the national level denounced that the process to extend the official’s term for four more years has had alleged irregularities.

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“After a deep analysis, in which all the arguments to be considered to address this momentous decision have been presented, the PRI deputies will vote against the ratification of Ernestina Godoy as Attorney General of Mexico City. “The violation of the legislative process or the principles established in the Political Constitution of Mexico City cannot be legitimized,” he stated.

The PRI assured that the reform to the Organic Law of the local Prosecutor’s Office allows the ratification via “fast-track”; In addition, it omits trustworthy evaluations and certifications to determine whether or not the person is suitable for the position.

He also assured that the opposition has been hindered from participating in the debates and voting on said reform.

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The announcement was made known after, on Wednesday morning, the national president of the National Action Party (PAN), Marko Cortés, wrote in The opposition in the capital’s Congress will vote against ratification.

“We trust that each and all CDMX opposition deputies will firmly reject the ratification of Sheinbaum’s carnal prosecutor. We are not going to allow the prosecutor’s office in this city to continue being the operating arm of a party to intimidate opponents” , wrote the PAN member in X.

On October 30, the Citizen Movement announced that its legislators in Mexico City They will vote against the ratification of Godoy Ramos.

On October 27, the PAN in Mexico City criticized the head of government, Martí Batres,’s decision to propose the ratification of Godoy Ramos. He also announced that his legislators would vote against it.

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To ensure that Godoy Ramos is at the head of the Prosecutor’s Office for four more years, Morena and allies must gather 44 votes to obtain a qualified majority.

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