Morena votes against reservation to give Fobaproa resources to the reconstruction of Guerrero – El Sol de México

The bench of Brunette voted against a reservation presented by deputy Rubén Moreira, of the PRI, which proposed allocating the 50 billion pesos of the Fobraproa payment to the reconstruction of Acapulco, Guerrero.

With 257 votes against, 192 in favor and one abstention, the PRI’s reserve was hit and the dispute was fueled to see which bench wins the merit of extracting resources from the Federation Expenditure Budget (PEF) 2024 for Guerrero.

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Before his proposal was debated, Rubén Moreira demanded that the Morena deputies pay attention to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador – who considers the payment of the banks’ debt as a robbery – and remove the banks from paying the debt. Fobaproa.

“I ask that we not give 50 billion pesos to the bankers, they don’t deserve it, they are beating us in commissions. This country is a paradise for bankers, they have rescued the banks of the whole world with the commissions from this and we are still going to give them Fobaproa, that 50 billion pesos go to Guerrero, go to Acapulco, raise your hand, raise the hand,” said the PRI legislator.

Another reservation presented by deputy Luis Cházaro, of the PRD, who also sought reallocate resources to Warrior It was voted against by the Morena, PT and Green Party benches.

After weighing the proposals, deputy Pablo Amilcar Sandoval, originally from Guerrero, ruled that it will be the Morena and allies bench that will give the people of Guerrero resources.

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“We are going to grant (resources) from the Morena, PT and Green Party bench for the reconstruction of Acapulco, so do not come with farces, this issue of Fobaproa was a vacillation and the issue that Cházaro is making wants to cover up the theft that he did in Acapulco and Guerrero,” he said.

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Representative María del Rosario Merlín, originally from Acapulco, said that it is sad that the opposition “grabs the pain of the people of Guerrero in order to (…) be lying” and that they are not going to allow themselves to be conditioned to approve modifications to the PEF 2024.

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