In the shade | Xóchitl Gálvez – El Sol de México

That it’s all complaints. They already want me to talk about something else. The declaration of Xochitl Galvez As a presidential candidate for the Broad Front for Mexico, she reveals a strategy based on the rhetoric of unity, but in reality, she appears to be using the division between the PAN, PRI and PRD parties as a springboard for her personal ambitions. Her call to resolve differences between these parties sounds more like an opportunistic tactic than a genuine interest in political unity. Furthermore, her insistence that safety and quality of life problems have simple solutions sounds simplistic and unrealistic, without offering a concrete plan. That is what observers perceive.

In the shadow…

Instead of focusing on solid proposals, Galvez he seems to focus on discrediting his political adversaries and generating a populist discourse. The reference to his past experience and personal anecdotes of his could be an attempt to appeal to the emotionality of the audience, but it lacks the depth and vision necessary to lead a country. Ultimately, his speech seems more focused on empty rhetoric than on solid, concrete policy solutions.


Within the Morenoist bench in Congress there is disagreement between those who insist on allocating an item of the budget for the reconstruction of Acapulco and those who hope that the eventual cuts to organizations such as the INE and the Judiciary will be sufficient for these tasks. In addition, there are those who propose deducting the diet for a few months and sending that money to those affected by the hurricane. Otis!”, but there are others who reject the aforementioned proposal, which is why they have not been able to make a statement on the matter as some legislators intend.


That the sacks with the initials of Segalmex, of Leonel Cota Montaño, in which the Hong Kong customs department located the largest shipment of methamphetamines in its history, were, from the beginning, a subject of alert due to the resources involved in that purchase. The above is because the aforementioned bags do correspond to an acquisition made by the agency now headed by Leonel Cota and which reached a sum of up to 273 million pesos in 2022, which were paid to a company that sold various products – boxes, bread and healing material -, to Diconsa at least since 2017.


During the discussion of the reserves to allocate resources to Guerrero in the Federation’s Expenditure Budget (2024), tempers frayed when the PAN bench tried to expose its reservation while the deputy Carlos Alberto Manzo He left the rostrum. Despite promises not to criticize the government by the PAN coordinator Jorge Romero, the Morenista bench did not accept the vote on the board, triggering a brawl between the benches. There was a two-hour recess declared by the president of the Board of Directors, Marcela Guerraand when the session resumed, the disorder persisted due to the opposition of the Morenoist bench to a reserve to redirect funds to pay Fobraproa towards the reconstruction of Guerrero presented by the deputy Ruben Moreira. That is, pure grid that no one cares about beyond the political group that feels addressed.

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