The Molotov bomb explodes: the group takes its Solo D’Lira to the Frontón México – El Sol de México

After his concert at the Foro Sol celebrating 27 years of experience, Molotov will explode again in the Fronton Mexico this November 10, in a show considered by Paco Ayala, bass guitarist of the group, as more intimate, in a venue that he defined as “magical and iconic” and where the public will be able to enjoy a great show and a deep repertoire.

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“It is a context of touching the rolas that we love live, where there is no censorship, where we had a good time. There are songs that you can’t stop playing even if you’re tired after almost three decades of playing them continuously. There are others that we turned around in versions that we don’t always play and that this time we will,” Ayala explained, referring to some of the songs on the album. setlistincluding those from “Solo D’Lira”, the most recent album from the band.

“We are very happy with what we managed to do earlier this year with this material. Many of those rolls have not been played live, so they could be in that concert mixed among the classics,” commented the bass guitarist.

“Solo D’Lira”, released last April, began with the release of “We don’t forget”, nominated in the 2022 Grammys for Best Song Rock. Later she gave way to the songs “Money in the bank”, “H2H”, “Denle Chayote”, “Amarren al Perro”, among others.

“This disk It comes with a nostalgia for what happened 30 years ago, for us it looks like the “Where will the girls play?” but obviously more ad hoc at our age, explained Micky Huidobro, the other bass guitarist of the group, who also emphasized the production team that accompanied the project.

“It is made by one of the best producers that have existed in the history of music. Being with a mixing engineer of the quality of Mike Fraser and a producer like Ross Robinson puts you in that group of people who have the privilege of being part of their job,” added Huidobro.


Another of Solo D’Lira’s singles is “Quiten el trap”, a song country rhythm that is a criticism of one of the most popular genres today. Furthermore, the concept of this theme evokes the confrontations of the films western.

“It becomes a duel to confront yourself with the music Nowadays, one is trying to hit the right shot at which are the flats and which are the Achilles heel of the others artists, and you realize that their heels are that no matter how popular they become, it does not mean that they are good… the best example is that we have a popular president. “Huidobro explained.

“Beyond all this is trying to ensure that our music lasts as it was recorded. Keep playing and composing. The entire sound library that the disk It is created by us, I think that is where this music survives and will remain forever, and maybe the music that today is considered very popular, in ten years it will no longer exist or will remain in the memory of very few,” added Huidobro.

The new disk “Solo D’Lira” also includes the song “Santo Niño de Atocha”, which although it already had live versions, is the first time they have recorded it in the studio. “We decided to include her because she represents the band of this last decade, what we have been doing in the scenariosalways treating in a sarcastic way what we see and believe to be the human being,” Ayala said.

Almost thirty years after starting their career, the band that has Tito Fuentes in the guitar and Randy Ebright in the batterycontinues to find inspiration for his creative processes, in the desire to continue conquering his fans with music new that maintains the character of Molotov.

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“What moves us most to continue playing is the love for our instrument. Funny things always happen, also bad things, and we try to capture that. music What is heard today is perhaps very far from reality and when they tell you a story about someone who is experiencing the same thing as you, you feel identified, that is what makes Molotov, trying to be as mundane as possible, that’s where we always have our roots firmly planted,” Huidobro explained.

In addition to the date of November 10 at the Frontón México, Molotov He will have concerts in Guatemala and El Salvador, and then return to Querétaro and once again leave for Los Angeles. In 2024 the band will tour more venues in the United States, South America and Europe.

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