Names, names and… names / In regulations another disaster, no link with Economy, no regulations and Comenor focus on candidates – El Sol de México

When talking about norms or standards, this is another line that has been greatly hurt by the governing style of Andrés Manuel López Obrador by closing the dialogue with the private sector. Wow, the Quality Infrastructure Law that Raquel Buenrostro’s Economy promoted marginally considered the opinions of the IP and 3 years and 8 months after it came into force, its regulations have not even been finalized.

Even in the Directorate of Standards occupied by Julio Eloy Páez there are 7 different officials in the six-year term with what this implies.

Carlos Pérez recently took over as president of the Mexican Council for Standardization and Conformity Evaluation, heading the specialized firm NYCE.

Comenor is about to turn 27 years old on the 22nd of this month and accommodates 22 members of standardization, certification, management systems, laboratories and inspection organizations linked to more than 650 NOM and some 2,000 Mexican standards.

Pérez is skeptical that there could be a change in the matter during the six-year term, since there is not even an exchange of ideas with Economy.

There is also no confidence that the regulations will be finalized.

The situation is delicate when talking about “nearshoring”. Outside of some areas where there is already an ecosystem in standards such as automotive, electrical-electronic, in others it will be difficult to land here.

The expert points out the evolution that was pushed in norms and standards with the opening, the NAFTA and the T-MEC, so that the country was an active and not a passive entity in the matter. This helped evolve toward energy-efficient refrigerators, water-efficient toilets, and eliminating incandescent light bulbs.

Now, however, equally specific initiatives are rare. Perhaps the elimination of plastic bags, but with substitutes that are not necessarily biodegradable. Pérez highlights the need to evolve to sustainable products in gas or water consumption in homes, however there are no proposals.

Obviously, greater dialogue would be required in related agencies: in addition to Economy, STPS of Marath Bolaños, Semarnat of María Luisa Albores, Energy, SICT, Health, IFT, Cofepris, Conuee, etc.

Comenor is ready to alert the teams of Xóchitl Gálvez and Claudia Sheinbaum about the important issue and its challenges. There is no time to waste when evaluating the industrial policy of the next six-year period.

For now, a disaster in the matter.


I told him that Global Companies chaired by Alberto de la Fuente is seeking to meet with Claudia Sheinbaum and Xóchitl Gálvez to present the guidelines of multinationals for the next six years. Obviously, security, rule of law and improvement in infrastructure (energy and water) are basic. However, one aspect that remains separate is the improvement in customs. Smuggling has increased in all its forms, including illegal fuel.


8 days ago Economía de Raquel Buenrostro reversed the ban on glyphosate starting in April. The decision was not fortuitous. The pressure from Joe Biden’s government was very strong in the context of the rejection that also exists for the issue of genetically modified corn. Many US farmers who operate here and export would have seen their productivity decline.


Yesterday Scotiabank of Adrián Otero added to the concern regarding the deterioration of public finances when in the Precriteria for 2025, the SHCP of Rogelio Ramírez de la O expanded the estimate of this year’s RSFP from 5.4% to 5.9%, the highest parameter since 1988. With this, the bank noted, the fiscal spaces for the next six-year term will be even narrower.

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