In the shade | Marcelo Ebrard – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador Very early yesterday he issued a veiled warning to the former chancellor and presidential candidate Marcelo Ebrard, about the consequences of not prioritizing the interests of Mexico and the Nation. In his morning conference, when referring to the possibility that Ebrard challenge the results of an internal election in Morena, the president called him “intelligent” and expressed his hope that the former chancellor will align himself with the political project that both have promoted. He stressed that any deviation from these principles would be tantamount to being an “opportunist” and “vulgar ambitious.”

In the shadow…

Talking about the inhabitant of the Palace and the aligned ones. Many of those who call themselves career diplomats in this country were very upset by the new appointment made by the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. But yesterday, the Tabasco native defended the appointment of Omar Fayad Menesesformer PRI governor in Hidalgo, as ambassador to Norway, highlighting his humanity and congruence. Lopez Obrador praised the attitude of Fayad during the tragedy of the explosion in Tlahuelilpan and his compliance in not supporting parties or candidates during his administration. Almost, almost, because he obeyed him in everything.


The president also rejected criticism about appointing former governors as diplomats, insisting that there is no problem as long as they have served the country well and have not betrayed it. “This public servant, this person, has a human attitude and I recognized that, and now that, later, I also recognized that well, I asked all of us to make the effort not to get involved in helping any party, to no candidate, and he complied, others did not,” said the President. “He who has an act of congruence, of dignity, deserves to be recognized.” And so it was, there was more to go.


Businessman German Oteizaa prominent figure of Grupo de Oro in Michoacán, was arrested this Wednesday due to a significant debt with Cementos Mexicanos (Cemex), which runs Fernando González Olivieri, which is around 200 million pesos. The arrest was carried out by agents of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Michoacán (FGE) in an operation carried out while Oteiza was traveling in his vehicle along Camelinas Avenue, near the offices of his company.


Lucy MezaAfter joining the ranks of the PRI, she is emerging as the candidate of this party for the governorship of Morelos, in a context where she seeks to counteract the current challenges of the state headed by a politician by profession as a soccer player. She in front of key figures of the Broad Front for Mexico, including Marko Cortes of the PAN, Alejandro Moreno of the PRI and Jesus Zambrano of the PRD, Meza pledged to combat corruption, violence, impunity and promote progress in Morelos, which implicitly suggests a direct confrontation with the current administration led by Cuauhtémoc Blanco.


They say that a mega protest is being prepared from Acapulco to the National Palace after the conclusion of the Declaration of Emergency after the passage of the hurricane was determined Otis, because that means, according to the Civil Protection Law, that the people of Guerrero no longer have the right to access natural disaster response resources or other support of this nature. Furthermore, the claims are due to the fact that the 2024 Budget did not contemplate a special item for reconstruction and humanitarian aid to those affected, damages that are estimated at up to 21 billion pesos.


The parties that make up the opposition alliance are preparing a complaint before the corresponding authorities for the use of public resources for electoral purposes against the still governor of Nuevo León, Samuel Garcia. The above is because the emecista is uploading videos to social networks where he announces his presidential aspirations from government facilities, which would clearly violate current regulations.

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