The captivating science fiction miniseries that is going unnoticed on Netflix

The captivating science fiction miniseries that is going unnoticed on Netflix

The catalog of Netflix It is extremely extensive and not even the most idle user of the platform has been able to take a look at each and every one of the projects that are available there, but there is no desire to do so, since you are in a moment of total boredom and you don’t know what to see, here we will recommend one miniseries that has gone unnoticed by the majority of viewers, but that still manages to captivate everyone who sees it.

The small series is titled ‘Vortex‘ and tells a beautiful and sad love story between a police officer and a woman who unfortunately loses her life, but for almost inexplicable reasons an alteration in the space time happens in the best style Interstellarwhich means that the agent can travel through exactly 11 days before his wife dies, days that he will make the most of to save her life, but let’s remember that these trips have consequences and are quite dangerous.

The miniseries is of French origin and was brought to Netflix a few months ago, so it has not been on the platform for long, but this does not mean that it is not a excellent plot to enjoy in a weekend, the series has only one season which consists of 6 chapters of almost an hour each.

If you are a lover of stories that leave a existential impact After watching it, you definitely cannot miss it, many users have stated that they feel quite captivated by the plot of love and the efforts of a man in love doing everything possible to not lose his beloved.

Vortex saison 1 Teaser VF Teaser

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