The sad night – The Sun of Mexico

On September 15, 2024, the destruction of the Nation was consummated. The publication of the decree reforming the Judicial Branch, prepared by the Executive Branch and legalized by a Legislative Branch subordinate to the former, is only the preamble to what will be, for several generations, the concentration of power in a single person.

Whether that person will be our new president or the one who governs from the shadows, we do not know. What we do know is that from now on there will be no loophole to turn to when suffering an injustice.

The long series of actions that led us to this sad night began twenty years ago with a disobedience to a court order that prevented the construction of a road. Ironically, they ended the same way: disobedience to a court order that prevented the publication of the reform decree.

The regime’s contempt for the rule of law, for the law and for everything that it represents in a democracy is well known. Intoxicated by the sudden access to absolute power, the new rulers will have no shame in exercising it, dismantling what remains of the foundations of the Republic.

The bad decisions of the opposition parties have come to confirm what we suspected, that they are weakened, confused and even corrupt. Our hope, then, lies in the 17 million people who openly opposed the continuation of the regime on June 2, in those of us who are not yet so stunned by the uproar that has been this six-year term and who still freely exercise the habit of reflection.

For now, we will have to take a step back to measure what is coming. We must be sensible and resilient, because we will have to resist, fight and build so that, when we hit rock bottom, we will have a strategy and direction again.

We do not yet know whether this process should be channeled towards peaceful civil resistance, as many wish, or whether institutional channels should be used to fight at the ballot box. Both views are legitimate and opportune. Those who favor civil resistance claim their understandable distrust of an electoral system controlled by the government. Those who see electoral action as the best course of action support this by pointing out the importance of building institutions for future generations.

Tonight, another page has been written in the history of Mexico, one that documents the perfect state crime, committed in broad daylight, in full view of everyone and under the pretense of doing it for the good of the people. Because there is nothing that legitimizes a crime better than committing it for a good cause. All tyrants know that.

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