Chicken should not be washed; UNAM warns about the dangers of doing so – El Sol de México

Commonly lPeople resort to washing their food with the purpose to make sure that When ingesting them, do not consume any bacterium that puts your health at risk. However, It is not advisable to apply this step to all foods.

Although the Chicken meat has bacteria like the Campylobacter sp. Salmonella sp., and Staphylococcus aureus that cause stomach infections, The General Directorate of Science Dissemination of UNAM assures that should not be washed before cooking.

Although as a precaution most people resort to wash the chickenUNAM assured that this causes various health risksincluding poisoning.

Why shouldn’t you wash chicken?

According to the General Directorate of Science Dissemination of UNAM, Chicken should not be washed because the bacteria containing They can splash and reach nearby utensils or food. causing cross contaminationThat is, although the chicken will no longer have the bacteriaare They will stay on nearby surfaces and thus enter your intestine. and will cause stomach infections.

Although the chicken itself keeps bacteria in its intestine, through the The way meat is handled for marketing is more contaminated, so it has more potent contaminants that can remain on surfaces when you wash it.

Although, these bacteria live in the flesh, They will be eliminated with proper cooking thanks to that They do not resist high temperaturesTherefore, before consuming it, it is advisable to make sure that it does not look raw or spoiled.

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To avoid cross contamination, the UNAM also recommends that you disinfect your hands and surfaces that come into contact with the meat with soap and waterbefore, during and after. And, suggests Use special cutting boards and utensils for raw chicken.

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