Jesús Adrián C., allegedly involved in the murder of Ismael Villagómez, is linked to the trial – El Sol de México

A control judge considered that there are the necessary elements for Jesus Adrian CL was linked to the process, after he was asked accusation for his alleged responsibility in it murder of the photojournalist of the OEM, Ismael Villagómez.

By means of the criminal case 6380-2023the linked party was applied precautionary measure of preventive detention for twenty-four months, the period that the process could last.

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During the audience held at the room 19 of Judicial Citya period of four months was also determined for the investigation complementary.

Jesús Adrián, who is one of the three involved in the murder of the photojournalistdecided together with his defense not to make any statement during the hearing, in addition to deciding whether or not he was involved in the process, through the evidence presented by the social representation.

Among the evidence presented were the statements of Carlos Miguel H. who is in the criminal process for him crime of qualified homicide and Joan Eduardo C. the latter for carrying firearmwhich was apparently used in said murder.

Carlos H., who was presented before the control judge last Sunday and is in preventive detention, according to the statements, a cell phone with his photograph carrying the weapon and a photo of his voter ID card was found in the vehicle, the one that led to their capture.

“I am not the one who shot in the assault,” was the expression of Carlos prior to being arrested, they mentioned at the hearing, in addition to the fact that they found a cell phone with the characteristics of those used by the photojournalist.

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He announced that there were two more involved in this tragic event, Jesús Adrián C. L and Joan Eduardo CV, who were arrested at an address other than the Chihuahua colony.

During the audience The statements of each one were mentioned, where Jesús and Carlos blame each other, while Joan said she did not know when they made their decision. weaponwhich I had under a mattress.

Published in The Herald of Juárez

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