Houthi commander goes to the seized Galaxy Leader freighter to reassure the crew – El Sol de México

The commander of the Houthi naval forces, Muhammad Fadhel Abdulnabi, the freighter toured this WednesdayGalaxy Leader seized by the rebel group in the Red Sea and he was seen trying to reassure the crew, to whom he told them that they should not worry about anything, according to a video broadcast by the insurgents’ military media.

In the clip of about six minutes, you see Abdulnabi shaking hands with some of the ship’s crew members, whose faces are blurred in the video, and reassuring them.

“We welcome you to Yemen. They are our guests. We consider them Yemenis. Don’t worry about anything. We are willing to provide you with everything you need. Each of you can consider yourself in your country,” Abdulnabi told the ship’s crew.

In a statement he made while on the deck of the ship with other Houthi officers, the commander said his forces were ready to attack any Israeli ship to cross the Strait of Bab al Mandab, in the southern Red Sea.

“We say to the Zionist entity (Israel) that the Strait of Bab al Mandab It is a red line and we cannot sit idly by. Any of your civil or military vessels are considered a legitimate target for us,” he declared.

“We also warn the allies of the Zionist enemy and who ensure its passage through the strait of Bab al Mandab which are also considered a legitimate objective. “We will remain fully prepared and carry out combat missions until the Zionist entity ceases its attacks on Gaza,” he stated.

The news agency Sabaled by the Houthis in Sana’a, said the visit was aimed at “checking the conditions of the crew and the care they receive from those responsible for their protection and the provision of necessary services to them.”

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Last Sunday, the Houthis announced the capture of the ship, which they claimed belongs to Israel, and stated that these types of operations are only directed against Israeli-flagged or owned ships.

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