Due to nearshoring, FDI will exceed the flow of remittances in Mexico in 2025 – El Sol de México

Derived from the arrival of international companies to the country, a phenomenon known as nearshoring, the flow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) could surpass that of remittances in 2025, according to Santander Mexico.

Alan Alanís, director of analysis and Santander Mexico stock market strategyexplained that this increase in FDI is provided for in the three components, which are new investments, reinvestment of profits and transfers of international companies.

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“The decisions of investments they go beyond the political cycles. We are only seeing the beginning of the nearshoringwe could see twice as many new announcements companies in 2024,” commented the expert in Press conference.

According to executiveso far in 2023, investment announcements for 44 billion dollars have been detected from 120 companies, mainly in the automotive section.

After this industrythe promised investments correspond to the energy sector, manufacturing, information technologies, consumer goodsamong others

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By country of origin, added the director of Santanderonly 55 percent of the investment comes from USA and 20 percent of China. Other nations on this list are Argentina, Belgium, Germany and Taiwan.

“The investment that has been growing in Mexico is with the environment (political) current, regardless of where the environment is economicthe investment is arriving and is increasing,” said Alanís.

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