Morena deputy proposes up to 4 years in prison for singing the National Anthem wrong – El Sol de México

The Morena deputy, Ana Elizabeth Ayala Leyvapresented a controversial initiative to punish people who make a mistake when interpreting the National anthem or that alter the flag with messages, legends or changing colors.

It is through a modification to Federal penal code and Law on the Shield, the Flag and the National Anthem, which the deputy seeks to add to the prison sentence for singing the national anthem incorrectly, which is already contemplated for insulting the emblem of the Republic or the national flag.

Ayala Leyva argues that several artists have made a mistake when interpreting the national anthem, such as: Vicente Fernández, Jorge “Coque” Muñiz, Ana Barbara, María León and Ángela Aguilar.

After exposing the singers who have made mistakes in their interpretations of the national anthem, the deputy assured that it is crucial to ensure constant respect for the national insignia.

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Finally, the legislator’s proposal also contemplates fines of up to one million 37 thousand 40 pesos, that is, 10 thousand times the Measurement and Update Unit (UMA), for the crimes listed above.

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