Benito Juárez Scholarships: this day they will give the last payment of 2023 – El Sol de México

The date of the third payment from 2023 Benito Juárez Scholarships, support that is aimed at high school and high school students with the intention that they can continue and complete their studies.

This scholarship provides students with an economic amount, which is 875 pesos per month. It is important to note that if you joined government support in July 2023 or before, you will receive your payment in the last weeks of November

Remember that this payment is about last of 2023 and accumulates an amount of $3,500 pesos, therefore it is essential that you know the exact day on which you will receive said support.

How do you know on what day in November you should receive your Benito Juárez Scholarship?

If you want to know the exact date of the third payment of the Benito Juárez Scholarship for high school and high school students, you must contact Status Finderwhere you will find the corresponding information for your payment.

It is worth mentioning that the amount of the last scholarship deposit is that corresponding to September, October, November and December 2023.

Finally, it is important to remember that if you are also part of the government program, Young People Writing the Future, the total amount of money will be 10,300 pesos.


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