INE will begin proceedings against candidate electoral trainers affiliated with parties – El Sol de México

The National Electoral Institute (INE) will initiate an informal sanctioning procedure for candidates for Electoral Supervisors (SE) and Electoral Assistant Trainers (CAE) who are affiliated with political parties, in order to determine if their affiliation was voluntary and prevent them from joining. to the electoral referee.

This was approved this day by the General Council of the INE in an ordinary session to respond to the ruling of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) that revoked the agreement of the electoral referee on the matter.

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In accordance with what was approved, the District Executive Boards (JDE) will notify the candidates that an ordinary informal sanctioning procedure has been initiated, to determine the legality or illegality of the affiliation that results from the certification of the bases of party affiliates.

Likewise, they will be warned that if their voluntary affiliation is proven, they will be removed from the selection procedure or, where appropriate, their contract will be terminated; Administrative sanctioning proceedings will be initiated against them, and the competent authorities will be notified of any liability that may exist in other matters.

The JDE will notify the Electoral Contentious Technical Unit (UTCE) within a maximum period of two business days, so that it can immediately carry out the investigation and collect the necessary elements to initiate an ordinary informal sanctioning procedure, in order to determine the legality or illegality of membership. Upon giving the hearing, the JDE will send the UTCE a file with the following documentation: letter of denial of affiliation, copy of the applicant’s voting credential, and a screen print of the certificate where the applicant’s registration as a member appears. .

Once the corresponding investigation has been carried out, the UTCE will summon the political party, as well as the candidate, to express in writing what is appropriate to their right.

Counselor Claudia Zavala explained that, according to statistics from previous electoral processes, five percent of candidates for Electoral Assistant Trainers and Electoral Supervisors were affiliated with political parties, which is why she considered the approval of the informal sanctioning procedure to be appropriate to avoid infiltration. of political party activists in the training of people who will serve as voting facilitators at the receiving tables.

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“I don’t know which party they belong to, but what we have to protect is that people who fail to comply with the requirement established in the law do not join the work of the INE, that is our responsibility. You say about one party or another, we abstract the issue and the issue is that the militants of the political parties cannot join the work, that is our responsibility,” he indicated.

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