Workers of the Colegio de Bachilleres threaten a national protest – El Sol de México

After seven days of strike, workers from the Colegio de Bachilleres, after blocking 17 roads simultaneously in Mexico City for more than two hours, threatened with a national mobilization.

The General Secretary of the National Independent Union of Workers of the High School College (SNTCB), Armando Vargas Rodríguez, stated that since they were not listened to or attended to by the authorities, they plan to call for a national mobilization in different states and in Mexico City.

“I don’t know if later as a result of this mobilization we can have any contact with any of the officials who can unblock this, but for now we have not had a response,” he said.

Vargas Rodríguez accused that in other educational institutions such as the General Directorate of High School Students (DGB), the General Directorate of Industrial Technological Education (DGTI) and other basic level schools in the State of Mexico, this salary increase was already granted.

“We are asking for a 20 percent salary increase, which year after year is a request that is made by the collective bargaining agreement, the Colegio de Bachilleres has not been granted this, we are not second or third class workers,” he accused. .

After withdrawing from the blockade of Campus 10, in front of Terminal 2 of the Airport, on axis 1 north, he recalled that on May 15, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced an emerging increase of 8.2 percent to the educational sector, in addition to injecting resources so that they will earn 16 thousand pesos per month.

“He was very clear that he said that all workers in the educational sector, teachers and administrative staff, were going to be given an emerging increase of 8.2 percent. He also announced that he was going to inject resources so that all workers in the educational sector would earn, for at least 16 thousand pesos per month,” he stressed.

The Secretary of the Union highlighted that the workers’ strike broke out on November 16 and seven days after receiving no response they called to close the roads to be heard.

“We are thinking about closing a cycle with study centers and high school colleges from the different states, to see if we can form a common front because they are facing the same problem, then maybe we will call for a nationwide mobilization,” he reported.

The union leader assured that teachers already have a strategy so that during this time that there will be no classes, students are not affected in their school year.

“We teachers have made the assessment that we have alternative solutions once normal activities are incorporated so that students are not affected, through teaching materials that students can carry out work, investigations with which they can be evaluated and with a knowledge test,” he explained.

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