Senate creates special commission to monitor the reconstruction of Acapulco – El Sol de México

He Plenary session of the Senate of the Republic approved an agreement Political Coordination Boardby which it is created the Special Commission to Monitor the Reconstruction of Acapulcoin order to observe the rehabilitation, care and support process for people affected after the passage of Hurricane Otis.

The Commission will be made up of the senators Manuel Añorve Baños, Félix Salgado; Nestora Salgado García, Josefina Vázquez Mota, Claudia Ruíz Massieu, Alejandra Lagunes. Miguel Ángel Mancera and Miguel Ángel Osorio.

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The agreement states that it is imperative that the Senate of the Republic participate, within its powers and powers, in monitoring the process of port reconstructionwhich will begin in the coming weeks, in order to give certainty to Mexicans.

To achieve its objective, the Special Commission You may obtain the information you consider pertinent, calling a meeting, when you deem it necessary, at the federal authorities and competent local authorities, in accordance with the applicable regulatory framework.

The approved proposal of the coordinator of the senators of the PRI, Manuel Añorve Bañosstates that the control of Congress it implies inspection, inspection and review of the activities of the Executive to ensure its compliance with the law.

“This action is considered a collaboration mechanism between the Legislative and Executive powers in the task of government with common objectives. He Senateassuming its role in control between powers, arises from the principle of separation of powers and their collaboration in the formation of the democratic State,” he emphasized.

For this reason, he said, “it is imperative that the Senate of the Republic participate, within its powers and powers, in monitoring the process of reconstruction of the port of Acapulco “which will have to begin in the coming weeks, in order to give certainty to Mexicans.”

He Point of Agreement approved states that the devastating impact of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco and other coastal areas of Warrior, generated confusion in both society and the scientific community. This disaster mobilized the Mexican Network of Climate Scientists (REDCIC) to reflect on the climate change and the study tools available in Mexico.

Furthermore, it states that in Acapulco There was a terrifying image, “a hurricane unexpectedly powerful striking during the early hours of October 25. The devastation along the Mexican Pacific coast has been overwhelming, Acapulco, known as tourist destinationwas left without electricity, water, internet and gasoline. “Supermarkets and supply centers were looted, plunging the region into chaos.”

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Acapulco, he adds, was transformed into a desolate landscape in a matter of days. What they used to be luxurious condominiums and hotels Now they are destroyed structures. The streets, previously full of life and businesses, became a trail of destruction and the presence of official and aid vehicles, “the Hurricane Otis left Acapulco In a desperate situation, the population desperately seeks water, food, transportation and communicationwhile the streets remain blocked and most of the public services “They are inoperative.”

According to predictions, he points out, “the reconstruction of Acapulco after Hurricane Otis is estimated at at least 270 billion pesos, 13.5 times more than what is currently available in the emergency funds. The Economic recovery of the region could extend at least 10 years, with an impact of 10 to 15 billion dollars on the local economy during the peak season tourism”.

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