Synod and clericalism – El Sol de México


Pope Francis frequently denounces clericalism, which is the attitude of us clerics (deacons, priests and bishops), when we are authoritarian, we monopolize the pastoral care, we decide without listening to the community, we take refuge in an overbearing authority. The first time I heard him talk about this was during his visit to Colombia (September 2017), at a meeting of CELAM, of whose structure I was a part as responsible for pastoral care with the indigenous peoples. He told us: “It is imperative to overcome clericalism that infantilizes the lay Christian faithful and impoverishes the identity of ordained ministers.”

This danger, which is very real, has encouraged some to blame us clerics for why the Church does not fulfill its identity and mission well, as if we were the only ones responsible. For example, in a virtual group meeting in which I participated during the Latin American Ecclesial Assembly, promoted by CELAM in November 2021, the 15 participants from various countries ranted against clerics. The moment came when I told them: “Let the priests be finished, if they do so much damage to the Church!” They reacted and qualified their position, recognizing that not all clerics are the same.

During the recent first assembly of the Synod of Synodality, the matter was discussed, but with important details. What was said?


“The priests are the main collaborators of the bishop and form with him a single presbytery (cf. LG 28); Deacons, ordained for the ministry, serve the People of God in the diakonia of the Word, of the liturgy, but above all of charity (cf. LG 29). Towards them, the Synod Assembly expresses, first of all, deep gratitude. Aware that they may experience loneliness and isolation, he recommends that Christian communities support them with prayer, friendship and collaboration. The Assembly recognizes that many priests and deacons make visible with their dedication the face of Christ the Good Shepherd and Servant.

An obstacle to ministry and mission is clericalism. It comes from a misunderstanding of the divine call, which leads to conceiving it more as a privilege than a service, and manifests itself in a worldly style of power that refuses accountability. This deformation of the priesthood must be combated from the first stages of formation, through living contact with the daily life of the People of God and a concrete experience of service to those most in need. Unfortunately, clericalism is an attitude that can manifest itself not only in ministers, but also in lay people.

Many women expressed their deep gratitude for the work of priests and bishops, but they also spoke of a Church that hurts. Clericalism, machismo and the inappropriate use of authority continue to mark the face of the Church and damage communion. A deep spiritual conversion is necessary as the basis of any structural change.”


We clergymen, let us review if we exercise our authority, because we have it, in the style of Jesus, who sometimes corrects and rebukes, but his approach to people with kindness, understanding stands out, and he makes the apostles and other disciples participate in his mission. , without excluding women. The nuns and other lay people, when they see us authoritarian and distant, help us not only with your prayer, but also with your advice, with your fraternal correction.

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