Las Envinadas and El Temach: why did they cancel their episode? – The Sun of Mexico

A new controversy has arisen on social networks due to the program “Las Envinadas” and the influencer Luis Castillejo, better known as El Temach, but if you don’t know who they are or what this new scandal is about, here we will tell you all the details.

“Las Envinadas” is a YouTube program that is described as ‘a wine among friends’. Daniela Lujan, Mariana Botyas and Jessica Segura are in charge of hosting each episode, where they talk about various topics.

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What happened between Las Envinadas and El Temach?

Last Tuesday, the program had announced that in its next episode El Temach would be a guest, who is known for his controversial comments, which have been described as ‘sexist’ and ‘misogynistic’.

It was because of the above, that after the announcement that she would be with “Las Envinadas” many women and feminist groups spoke out against her and expressed their annoyance because they did not agree that the program would broadcast a character that has been recognized for “offending women” because it also seemed to be incongruent with the ideology of the YouTube program.

After showering them with countless criticisms, “Las Envinadas” decided to delete the publication where they announced their next chapter, so it seems that finally the episode where El Temach participated will not be broadcast.

However, so far the hosts of the program have not commented further on the matter and it is unknown if there will be a new broadcast to replace the one on Tiktoker.

What did Temach say after being ‘canceled’?

For its part, El Temach decided to talk about what happened with “Las Envinadas” and on its Instagram account that the podcast with the girls would be canceled, ensuring that it had been defamed, so “prejudice had been stronger than freedom of expression and dialogue” and affirmed that he will continue working to have a better society.

Yesterday in a live show he revealed that the program had been very fun, where they had even been able to talk about different topics through dialogue and debate, so the content was more focused on women and not on the public that follows him.

“I was on an Envinadas podcast, it was a very fun, very interesting podcast where various topics were discussed. There was dialogue, there was debate, a lot of work was done to generate a piece of content for the women who follow that community, it is not even for those who follow this community,” he said.

Likewise, he took advantage of his Twitter account to express his annoyance, pointing out that the fact that he is “censored” does not limit his growth, but rather limits women from listening to his content, closing the door to dialogue.

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Finally, she highlighted that her platform is bigger than all those women who came together to cancel it and that the fact that they talk about inclusion and end up being excluded is incongruous.

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