Taylor Swift confesses that her fight with Kanye West in 2016 destroyed her psychologically

It is no secret to anyone of the great talent and charm he radiates. Taylor Swiftand not for nothing is he one of the most successful global superstars currently, but unfortunately for this type of figures not everything is rosy, since due to his great fame and prestige, he must deal with painful situations caused by other artists or even by the same means, as was the case that occurred in 2016 that involved Kanye West and his ex-wife kim kardashian.

Recently, Taylor gave an interview for timeand it was there where he decided to confess that that old fight affected him really strongly, even though he tried not to show it.

«It was a whole setup made to tell the world that I was a liar, a call illegally recorded and then edited by Kim Kardashian. That sank me very deep psychologically, I even left home, and moved abroad, I lived in a rented house. For a whole year, I distanced myself from all the people I loved, I no longer trusted anyone, I was very afraid of receiving any call.«, commented the artist about the events.

But the most important thing is that the leader of the Swifties has completely recovered from said mental trauma, and today his success and the unfortunate situation of rapper Kanye, leaves in evidence that her great success is due nothing more than to her great passion and talent for the music industry; she is definitely one of the great world-class personalities who has managed to break countless records throughout her professional career.

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