Paris Hilton confesses that she did not change her baby’s diaper for a month – El Sol de México

Paris Hilton She is living one of the most beautiful, but at the same time most difficult stages of her life: motherhood.

It was January 24 of this year. year that Phoenix came into the life of the socialite and her husband Carter Reum, making them first-time parents, however, Hilton has confessed that being a mother has been complicated for her because there are many things she is afraid of because she is unknown.

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In her most recent episode of the reality show “Paris in Love”, the famous heiress revealed that changing diapers has been one of the things that has cost her the most to the point that for a month she could not change her diaper. small because “I was afraid.”

“Should I learn to change his diaper?… I said I wouldn’t do it on my birthday, but I’ll do it for you. I’m scared, but anything for Phoenix,” Paris said.

So after accepting that she had to learn and let go of her fear, Hilton was guided by her sister Nicky and the family nanny; They both helped step by step and explained how to adjust the diaper without tightening too much and checking that the front and back were positioned properly.

Even her sister, who already has more experience being a mother of three children, told her sister that she needed to make peace with motherhood to be able to do these types of things that are often not entirely glamorous, but she still has to learn. to do them.

“With motherhood you have to get your hands a little dirty,” was what Paris said her sister told her.

Why did Paris name her baby Phoenix?

Regarding the name of a child, the socialite was honest with her audience some time ago and confessed that It had been very difficult to think of a name with a country theme.

“It’s hard to think of a boy’s name that has that theme. I love to travel and I love exotic names. I think it’s nice that they all have names of cities.

“I was thinking of all my favorite places, like Ibiza, but that would be a strange name. Las Vegas? I love Las Vegas, but I don’t know. Aspen? No,” Hilton said.

So after much thought, the name for her first child arrived and with a very powerful meaning for her.

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“Over a decade ago, I thought of this amazing name. It’s such a beautiful name, it’s so unique, It is not only a city, but it also has other meanings that are simply beautiful: Phoenix.

“Phoenix has some good pop culture reference points, but more importantly, It is the bird that rises from the ashes to fly again. “I want my son to grow up knowing that disaster and triumph come and go in our lives,” he explained.

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