Mexico should not reduce the working day, as it would affect company costs: Concamin – El Sol de México

The Confederation of Industrial Chambers of Mexico (Concamin) considered that it is not appropriate reduce the working day from 48 to 40 hours in Mexicosince it would affect the costs of the manufacturing companies.

José Abugaber, president of Concaminpointed out that Mexico Being a highly manufacturing country, it needs a large amount of labour. Therefore, reduce the workday would require that the companies They would hire more staff, which would increase their costs.

“By reducing the workdaya manufacturing country as Mexico I would have to hire more staff. This would complicate the industry and would affect the exports“Abugaber said.

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Workers registered with the IMSS would benefit from a reduction in working hours

A study of the Concamin estimates that only 4 or 5 million workers registered with the IMSS could benefit from a Reduction of the working dayso the rest of the workers, mainly the employees of the manufacturing industrythey could not reduce their hours job.

“I understand the message that people work less and spend more time with their families, but we are a country that depends a lot on manufacturing. Without manufactureit would affect us more in the economy“Added Abugaber.

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He president of Concamin also pointed out that Mexico need to prepare the youths for the digital industry. Tools like the artificial intelligence could affect the jobs and take away opportunities from people who are not prepared.

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