There will be 4,500 hotel rooms in Acapulco by the end of December: Evelyn Salgado – El Sol de México

The governor of the state of Guerrero, Evelyn Salgado, expressed in the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, that the tourist reactivation of Acapulco is underway and assured that there will be 4 thousand 500 rooms ready to be occupied in 127 hotels throughout Acapulco.

“In tourism reactivation, we have a projection to close the year with 4,534 rooms available in 127 hotels in the traditional, golden, Diamante and Pie de la Cuesta areas. This forecast adds to the daily effort to rehabilitate the beaches that in their “The majority are at 100 percent,” said the president.

He also said that almost two months after Hurricane Otis passed through it, the Government of Guerrero reports 52 deaths and 33 missing.

“According to the latest update, there is a cut of 52 deceased people and a very important effort is maintained to search for 33 people who are missing,” he explained.

For his part, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and a call to construction workers, mainly bricklayers, to come to work in Acapulco in the reconstruction of the port.

“Make a call to family, friends, to all citizens, especially teachers, bricklayers, who want to come to Acapulco to help family, friends or show solidarity,” said the president during his morning conference from that tourist hub.

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He also added that “there is work in Acapulco, in construction and if we lack qualified labor, construction workers because there are many families alone but they need help, that is why it is time to come to Acapulco to help if you have knowledge in construction in what has to do with blacksmithing,” he noted.

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