Five jazz albums for beginners – El Sol de México

La La Land (2016), the acclaimed film directed by Damien Chazelle, is not only a labor of romantic love through the bright lights of Los Angeles, but also depicts the exciting world of jazz. In particular, the character of Sebastian, played by Ryan Gosling, displays his love for this musical genre, in a charming way, and introduces Mia, played by Emma Stone, to the rich and varied sphere of that musical world.

Sebastian, a passionate jazz pianist with a deep commitment to the preservation of the genre, meets Mia, an aspiring actress, along the way on his mission to save jazz. She is initially skeptical and uninterested in the loudness, she goes so far as to say that she hates it and compares it to elevator music; but she finds herself involved in a world of notes and rhythms thanks to his dedication. She understands his love for music.

In a series of memorable scenes, Sebastian becomes Mia’s musical guide, helping her understand and appreciate the complexity and beauty of jazz. Here are five albums she might have recommended to a newcomer to the genre.

Miles Davis – Kind of Blue (1959): A perfect entry point for newcomers to jazz. The subtlety of Davis’ compositions and the immersive atmosphere of this album make it an accessible and captivating listening experience.

John Coltrane A Love Supreme (1965): A deeper journey into the world of jazz at its most introspective. Coltrane displays his mastery on this album, which could open Mia’s ears to new forms of musical expression.

Dave Brubeck – Time Out (1959): With its experimentation with unusual tempos, this Brubeck album offers a unique perspective on jazz. The iconic Take Five is a piece that is sure to resonate with Mia.

Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong – Ella and Louis (1956): A charming encounter between two legends of vocal jazz. The sweet melodies and chemistry between Fitzgerald and Armstrong make this album appealing to newcomers.

Thelonious Monk Brilliant Corners (1957): This album is considered a masterpiece and features Monk’s genius inventiveness. The main track, Brilliant Cornersis especially known for its complexity and originality.

Through music, Sebastian and Mia share intimate moments that go beyond words. La La Land not only illustrates the beauty of jazz, but also highlights how passion can be contagious and transformative. Ultimately, the relationship between the two characters reminds us that the love of music can be a powerful bond that unites people, even when musical tastes differ at first.

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