3 Netflix Horror K-Dramas That Won’t Let You Sleep at Night

3 Netflix Horror K-Dramas That Won’t Let You Sleep at Night

With the arrival of the month of October, many companies and franchises are preparing to receive the month of Halloweenbetween these Netflix has already started with its advertising promotions on some horror deliveries for all its users, and what better way to do it with some K-Dramas focused on this genre.

The popularity of Korean series has been growing for some years, to the point that they no longer only make romantic series, but also try to experiment in some new areas, and with that here we present you the 3 horror K-dramas broadcast on Netflix that will not let you sleep at night.

1) Sweet Home: this series tells us the story of CHa Hyun-sooa boy who makes the decision to move house after the death of his parents, but upon arriving at his new place of residence he discovers that the people there become terrifying creaturesso together with some neighbors they will have to do everything possible to get out of there alive.

Sweet Home (IN SPANISH) |  Official trailer |  Netflix

2) The supernatural guest: Yoon Hwa-pyung the famous son of a family of shamans, one day is possessed by a terrible evil spirit that murders all members of his family except for his father. After this event, the young man is invited to an exorcism where the demon leaves his body to possess the priest. And now the protagonist will have to find a way to save others, including his own life and that of his father.

The Guest (2018) |  Official trailer

2) Goedam: this series presented by Netflix will tell you all the urban legends that walk the streets of Korea. In this series you only need let the night fall so that shadows and evil spirits become present and torment the population at all times.


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