Ecuador is in a state of war, we will not give in: Daniel Noboa – El Sol de México

The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboaassured this Wednesday that his country is in state of war after the violent actions starring bands from organized crime which led him to declare internal armed conflictand anticipated that he does not intend to negotiate or give in to these groups, which his Government has described as “terrorists.”

We are in a state of war and we cannot give in to these terrorists.

This was stated by Noboa in his first public intervention since the outbreak of this insecurity crisisstarted with the prison break of Adolfo Macías ‘Fito’leader of the Los Choneros criminal gangbefore he was to be transferred and isolated in a maximum security prison.

In an interview with Radio Canela, Noboa stated that the violent actions of recent days are the responses from criminal groups given the actions that his administration is taking to stop the escalation of insecurity that has made Ecuador be positioned as one of the most violent countries in the world.

After the Executive has declared these gangs as military objectives, the president considered that these groups will think twice before carrying out actions such as the takeover of the facilities of a television channel as happened on Tuesday.

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“They are not going to subdue the president”

In Noboa’s opinion, the criminal gangs want to spread these images to cause terror and see if they subdue the President of the Republic, “but they are not going to achieve it.”

We are going to negotiate with a terrorists,” Noboa reiterated, pointing out that they are working on ways to rescue the prison guards who remain retained by prisoners who are members of these criminal groups in several prisons in the country.

“We are not going to give in to the stupid things they are used to doing,” the president continued, commenting that they are going to be stricter than previous governments, “because the Armed Forces have to act against these military objectives.”

“We are doing everything possible and impossible to bring them back safe and sound, but we cannot stop a war for that, because the State is at war,” he remarked.

The Ecuadorian president also issued a warning to judges and prosecutors who make favorable resolutions to the leaders or members of criminal gangs, as he asserted that they will also be considered and treated as terrorists.

“Who wants to help?”

Regarding the international image of Ecuador, Noboa pointed out that now is not the time to go to fairs “and say that nothing happens in Ecuador and that everything is beautiful.”

“(That) is trying to deceive the international community. Now it is telling them that we are in a state of war. Who wants to help? Let’s solve the problem, which has to be done soon, and this way it will be easier for the investor and the tourist to come “he noted.

The ruler also considered that if they did not take these measures now it would be “prolonging death, sustaining something unsustainable.”

Proposes deporting Colombian prisoners

Noboa thanked the help offered by countries such as the United States, China, Israel, Peru, Argentina and Colombia, to whose Government he proposed taking charge of around 1,500 Colombian prisoners who remain in Ecuadorian prisons, which would allow them to reduce overcrowding. the prisons.

This Monday, the president decreed a state of emergency throughout the country due to the violent action of organized crime groups, especially due to riots in some six prisons and the escape of inmates considered highly dangerous, including ‘Fito’ and Fabricio Colón. Beak.

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The burning of vehicles, the kidnapping and threats to police and prison officers, attacks with explosives and the invasion of armed hooded men on the TC Televisión channel overwhelmed the situation in Ecuador, which on Tuesday experienced a day of terror in this fight between organized crime and the State that left at least eight dead.

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