Mexico affirms at the UN that efforts to resolve the Ayotzinapa case continue – El Sol de México

He mexican government assured today in the UN Human Rights Council that the efforts to resolve in all its dimensions the Ayotzinapa case They continue and will not stop.

“The attention to the Ayotzinapa case, of 43 students missingremains a priority of the Mexican State. No efforts have been or will be spared until memory, truth, justice and reparation are achieved for the victims and their families in this case that hurts Mexican society so much,” said the undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE)Joel Hernández García.

The representative of Foreign Affairs was the head of the official delegation that represented today Mexico in the Universal Periodic Review, an exercise in reviewing the policiesprogress and pending issues in human rights to which all member countries of the United Nations must submit every certain number of years.

The families of the victims of the Ayotzinapa case They believe that the security forces have not provided all the information they have about what happened to the young people who disappeared on September 26, 2014, although the government and the armed forces They assure that they have collaborated in everything they could.

On the other hand, the Mexican delegation responded to several countries that expressed concern about the management of the migration and noted that in 2023 the record for applications for refuge and other types of international protection was broken.

He maintained that in the last decade, the country has registered a thousand percent increase in applications, with nearly 141 thousand, only behind United States and Germany Worldwide.

Mexico has a renewed commitment to safe, orderly, humane and regular management of migration and refuge“he assured.

In the social area, progress was made in reducing the povertyplacing emphasis on updating the minimum wage after four decades of loss of purchasing power.

According to the data provided, from 2019 to 2024, the minimum daily wage in Mexico increased almost 120 percent, going from just over 5 dollars to 14.57 dollars in most of the country, while in the Northern Border Free Zone It has reached 22 dollars.

“With these increases, it is expected that by the end of 2024 the minimum wage will have recovered 110 percent of its value.” purchasing power at the national level. On the northern border, a recovery of 217 percent is expected,” he noted.

Likewise, it was mentioned that the rate of unemployment in Mexico It is 3 percent, the lowest in the region, without specifying what percentage of jobs are informal.

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