Names, names and… names / Food security failure, in 2024 production-import of grains at par and corn down – El Sol de México

At the end of the six-year term, the goal of achieving food security that he outlined will have been far away. Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

And grain production at the end of 2024 will be equivalent to imports, according to the GCMA that commands Juan Carlos Anaya.

The analysis firm, a reference in the market, will make a detailed presentation of these projections on February 27.

In grains, in order to have food security, according to the FAO, we should achieve at least 70% of our own supply, but that is far away, explains Anaya. Only in corn will the year end with 54% vs. 84% that was had with Ernesto Zedillo.

In wheat, it is at 60%, in rice 80% will be imported due to low production and in soybeans 95%.

In that sense, the expert accepts, the policy in the field was unsuccessful, beyond the objectives, in the absence of actions to promote productivity, with financing, insurance and a technological package.

Obviously the current status is the result of years of mistakes in agricultural policy with Vincent Fox, Felipe Calderon and Enrique Pena Nieto. In this regime the problem has been exacerbated by support focused only on small producers.

This is who Segalmex buys with guaranteed prices from. Leonel Cota and it is barely 3% of production, while the average farmer today faces a complicated situation with low prices.

Last year, according to the GCMA, 26.7 million tons of corn were produced and this is projected to drop to 24.4 million due to the drought. Consequently, imports of the vital grain, which in 2023 amounted to 19.6 million tons, are estimated to rise to 21 million in 2024.

Last year a record was set for corn imports and Mexico displaced China from global leadership. In the current exercise, history will repeat itself.

The most curious thing is that the country already produces more fruits and vegetables than grains. It’s not bad, they have a higher value, but they would have to keep pace.

So a lot to amend.


The news is that Enrique Bojorquez Valenzuela He has just been re-elected for a couple more years as president of the Mexican Association of Specialized Financial Entities (AMFE). This sector has faced serious challenges due to funding, but at the same time it has everything to move forward. In fact, this group has just added new partners: Aviva Crédito, Kuanto, Hipólito Monroy Prevention, Resser Rastreo, Cobranza Inmediata, GSG Consultores, Layer and Intelligential. Bojórquez’s first task will be to develop a union proposal to Claudia Sheinbaum and Xochitl Galvez so that together with the banks a greater dispersion of credit is achieved.


The alarms went off again in the IMSS of Zoe Robledo. There is a lack of basic medicines and others not so much. For diabetes and high blood pressure, for example, there is no Atorvastatin, Sitagliptin, Insulin or Linagliptin, for cardiac issues there is a shortage of Amlodipine and Valsartan and for immune diseases there is a lack of Immunoglobulin. Responsible for Edward Thomas head of the Administration Unit. According to this, he decided to stop all purchases through state delegations. It’s not the first time.


And in the conflict at Audi Tarek Mashhour I inform you that today the employers will present an appeal before a judge that the strike does not exist. There would be irregularities in the procedure. In the decision-making process, the opinion of the staff was not fully adopted, as the criteria of the union in charge of Cesar Orta. The intention is to have the conflict declared illegal. We will see.

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