A prison system in constant transformation – El Sol de México

Tomorrow, Monday, November 20, we commemorate the 113th Anniversary of the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. In this significant context let’s look at one of the national social representations: a penitentiary system in constant transformation.

In the great social movements registered in our country: Independence, the Reform, the Revolution and in our days the Fourth Transformation… in the first, the penitentiary system remained practically unchanged, as Dr. Sergio García Ramírez says: “long progress term”. Some constitutional changes are observed in criminal and penitentiary law. From the prison populations, the entry into Veracruz of workers and leaders of the Cananea strikes, in Sonora and Río Blanco.

In this sense, the results “in the time of our days” and scenarios of the following years are strengthened by human rights, Constitutional Article 18, the National Law of Criminal Execution, programs aimed at achieving social reintegration without recidivism, interinstitutional coordination, better facilities, protocols, technology, balance in systems and types of security, among others.

Likewise, the National Human Rights Commission participates in supervising detention centers with studies and proposals at the national level that allow authorities to implement good practices aimed at improving the penitentiary system in our country.

We will agree on the diversity of people’s profiles, each of us has our own way and background of being unique. However, antisocial behavior can generate a crime; currently, those who commit it go through the last link of justice… the prison system.

Remember expressions of those who experienced imprisonment or those who have dedicated their lives to its study:

Like those of Oscar Wilde “I don’t know if the law is just, or if the law has its errors; We only know that there is a high wall around the prisoners, where every day is a year: a year of eternal days” (Ballad of Reading Gaol, 1896);

… by Dr. Alfonso Quiroz Cuarón (1910 – 1978) “Punishment without human treatment is revenge.”

It is timely, reiterative insistence: prevention in a timely manner (before) of crime, essentially minors. Then, likewise, adolescents in conflict with the law are a priority issue. Media testimonials:

a) Causes: unfavorable family, school, community, socioeconomic, cultural environment, low acceptance and other factors.

b) Consequences: addictions, self-deception of personal achievement, “labor” recruitment of organized crime, others, a short path.

c) Now, with its treatment: opportunities for links, new life (roots and wings). Let’s support them.

On the other hand, on the other side of the “coin”, it is considered based on criminology and victimology of the harm to people who are victims of criminal acts. Violence received in any of its manifestations modifies life experience, loved ones, aspirations, expectations, etc. For this reason, good citizen practices are promoted for a life free of violence.

To conclude, these are times of multidisciplinary teamwork and adherence to the general interest. Success story: people deprived of liberty, their families, staff, authorities and other participants during Covid with positive results.

Significance and social impact… the penitentiary system continues to transform in favor of social reintegration without recidivism.


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