AMLO accepts resignation of Arturo Zaldívar from the SCJN – El Sol de México

In his morning conference, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador accepted the resignation of Arturo Zaldivar of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN) and added that he is leaning toward presenting a shortlist of women to replace him.

“He Minister Zaldívar He presented his resignation and today I send it, yes, I accept it and send the letter to Senate“said the president during his morning conference.

“The resignation is presented, I have already accepted it and it remains to be approved by the Senate. After that, if they approve it, I’m going to send a shortlist for the replacement, then I’m going to start looking at who I propose, to see if I’m lucky and hit the mark, I’ve proposed four and two came out preserved,” he said. the mandatary.

“I’m thinking about the shortlist and I’m leaning towards three women, I have more advantage with women because women are more honest, more defined, very hard-working, they have many virtues and in public administration, from the city government, “They were more women, they helped me a lot,” he said.

“That is a matter of interpretation, if a person no longer wants to be in office they cannot be forced. I already did it with him Minister Medina Mora“he said in relation to the serious cause and added that who will have the last word to decide whether to accept the resignation of Zaldivar It will be the Senate.

He was also asked if he considered it correct for the minister to announce that he is leaving office to join the Claudia Sheinbaum team, presidential candidate Brunetteto which he avoided responding and said that “that’s something else, I don’t want to get involved, we leave it to the analysts, the experts,” said the president.

Zaldívar, who announced that he was resigning from his position as minister last Tuesday, clarified today in a radio interview with Ciro Gómez Leyva that he will not seek any public position, not even as prosecutor of the Republic or secretary.

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“I am not leaving the Court to seek public office, I am going to join a political and social project that I believe in to consolidate the transformation of the country, to support a project that has as its main focus those who have the least and the most. they need, a project in which I believe and in which I have always been committed in the 14 years of the Court,” said Arturo Zaldívar.


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