AMLO meets with Slim and businessmen to reactivate tourism in Acapulco – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López meets at the National Palace with a compact group of hotel businessmen, among whom is Carlos Slim, in order to reactivate as soon as possible tourist activities in Acapulco, Guerrero, after this tourist center was devastated 15 days ago by the Hurricane Otis.

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Before the meeting, the president said during his morning conference that the purpose of the meeting with these industrialists is “not to suspend” the Tourist Market from Acapulco.

He stressed that his intention is to ask businessmen for help “I am going to have a meeting, not with everyone, with some, so that they, in turn, can convince others.”

Likewise, he said that he hopes that in April there will be 30 percent or 40 percent of the hotels operating in Acapulco and that in December the activity begins again, so that the inhabitants return and recover from the “very painful” tragedy they suffered with the cyclone.

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He also announced that he hopes to return on Wednesday of next week to Acapulco for monitor progress of the Port recovery plan.

Yesterday, Tuesday, the president said that among the group of businessmen with whom he was going to meet today were: Antonio Cosío Pando of the Las Brisas hotel group, as well as the magnate Carlos Slim; Daniel Chávez, his advisor for the Mayan Train and owner of the Vidanta hotels.

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In addition to Francisco Alberto Cervantes Díaz, president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) and Juan Antonio Hernández, president of the Council of Grupo Autofin México y Mundo Imperial.


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