AMLO prepares decree so that freight trains offer passenger service – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that it plans to issue a decree before November 20 to urge freight train companies operating in Mexico to also offer the passenger service.

“We are going to make the decision to use all freight railroad tracks in Mexico for passenger trains,” said the federal president.

The federal president He added that his project is not about an expropriation, but rather it is a way to take advantage of an article in the concession document, which stipulates that the federal government, when it considers it pertinent, could reactivate passenger service throughout the country.

“We are going to first give preferences to those who already have freight train concessions so that these tracks can be converted, of course through modernization and electrification, we will give them the possibility to commit in a reasonable time.”

He also said that the State will begin a program for the acquisition of passenger locomotives.

Likewise, he highlighted that he is already working on the document and pointed out that letters have already been sent to the main railway concessionaires.

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“Prepare your projects considering that since you have the concession for freight trains, you can receive the concession for passenger trains. We will know by January, that is why I want to do it soon, and give us time to make a decision,” said the head of the federal Executive.


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