AMLO reveals that 127 of 373 hotels in Acapulco are already operating – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reaffirmed his promise to conclude the reconstruction of Acapulco in March, after the passage of the Hurricane Otis.

“I think that by Easter, by that time most of the hotels will be operating, they will have many more rooms. Remember that the banking convention will also be held here in Acapulco, open tennis and many other activities,” said the president in his morning conference from that tourist hub.

The president indicated that progress is being made in the reconstruction of the Port and that there is a recovery level of 30 percent of hotel rooms.

“Well, I think that progress is being made, look, there are 373 hotels (in Acapulco) and 127 are already operating, well, progress is already being made, we are talking about an approximate 30 percent (of hotels) and there is still a long way to go,” he highlighted.

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“I think that the number of rooms that will be required will even be exceeded. Hoteliers are working with this purpose and we are going to be reporting on the progress,” concluded the president, after giving a report on the reconstruction and the announcement that the second delivery of support to the population to rebuild homes is being developed.

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