At least 35% of federal deputies seek re-election – El Sol de México

In the Chamber of Deputies there are at least 176 legislators who will seek re-election in 2024, that is, 35 percent of the 500 deputies that make up it.

According to queries made by The Sun of Mexico and until the closing of this edition, 76 deputies from Morena, 34 from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and 56 from National Action have presented their expression of intention to repeat the position before the General Secretariat of the Chamber of Deputies.

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According to the agreement approved by the National Electoral Institute (INE), the deputies have until next Sunday, November 19 to present their expression of intention to be re-elected, so the number of legislators to repeat their position could increase.

Among the Morenistas seeking re-election are 21 deputies from the so-called El Camino de México bloc, related to former Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard. This is the second force within the party, according to what he said recently. Despite this, Marcelist legislators fear that their reelection will be frustrated for having proposed modifications to the 2024 Economic Package.

Selene Ávila, a Marcelista deputy who attacked Morena in the discussion of the 2024 Federation Expenditure Budget and who seeks to repeat herself in office, said that the decision whether or not to give re-election to the deputies corresponds to the national leadership of Morena.

“We would have to ask Mario Delgado, national president of the party, if people like me, that there are things in which I have differed, but that I voted in favor (of the budget), that I defend the President and his project, and that I fight for the People, would they re-elect me or would I be marginalized? He has the answer,” the representative told this medium.

Other legislators from Morena, of the 201 that make up the bench, and who are seeking re-election, are Inés Parra from Puebla, who is in her third term in San Lázaro; Marisol García, president of the Human Rights Commission and Mario Carrillo Cubillas, who is Mario Delgado’s cousin.

In the case of National Action, Jorge Romero, president of the Political Coordination Board, reported that between 50 and 60 percent of the deputies of his parliamentary group will seek re-election.

“There is no figure that I have already resolved for re-election in my group. Honestly, I know that these are the days and times in which that definition has to be taken, I calculate and it is that, just a calculation, of 50 percent, 60 percent, with everything that can happen from contingency, that is, it is impossible to know exactly how many,” said the legislator in a press conference on October 30.

The objective of re-election is not being met, we would like to professionalizeChristian Carrillo, political analyst

The PAN bench is made up of 113 deputies, so around 56 legislators would repeat their position.

The PAN members who revealed to this medium that they will seek reelection are Teresa Castell and Gabriel Quadri, the only deputy registered in the National Registry of Persons Sanctioned in Matters of Political Violence against Women for Gender Reasons. Both Castell and Quadri were denounced by trans representative Salma Luévano for making discriminatory comments against them. Paulina Rubio and Éctor Jaime will also seek to repeat.

In the case of the PRI, Rubén Moreira, coordinator of the tricolor bench, revealed to El Sol de México that he will seek to be in the Chamber of Deputies for another Legislature and that all PRI deputies are in a position to be re-elected, because none of them have been in the I hold the four consecutive terms permitted by law; However, he did not give an estimate of how many PRI members would seek re-election.

According to sources consulted by this medium, 50 percent of the PRI deputies will seek to repeat the position, that is, 35 legislators, including Melissa Vargas, Frinné Azuara and Brasil Acosta.

A group of deputies also points to the Senate of the Republic. Such is the case of at least seven Cuatroté legislators: Salma Luévano, Emmanuel Reyes, Daniel Reyes, Hamlet García, Javier López, Julieta Ramírez and Lilia Aguilar. Even Mauricio Cantú, from whom the Electoral Court withdrew his deputation to return it to Favio Castellanos Polanco, has already registered to run for a seat for Morena, in Nuevo León.

From the current Legislature, 145 deputies are re-elected: 82 from Morena, 27 from National Action, 21 from the PRI, 11 from the Labor Party, three from the Green Party and one from the Citizen Movement, according to records from the National Electoral Institute (INE). .

The objective of allowing reelection is to promote the professionalization of deputies, so that there is greater efficiency in legislative work, explained political analyst Christian Carrillo; “a deputy could not learn the management of the Legislative Branch in three years.”

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He warned that this goal has not been met, because in the Chamber of Deputies there are 200 minutes pending to be discussed and in the Senate of the Republic 500, due, he said, to the political polarization that has characterized the LXV Legislature.

“There is no fluidity in legislative work, there is no efficiency. The objective of the re-election, which would be to professionalize so that there is better work in the Chamber, is not being met,” said specialist Christian Carrillo.

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