Attacks in Gaza are a massacre, says Mexican rescued from war – El Sol de México

The Israel attacks against Loop are indiscriminatewhat is happening is a slaughterThe bombings happen all the time and everywhere, there is no water or food, warns the Mexican Michelle Ravella member of the international organization Doctors Without Borders, who was trapped for almost a month in the middle of the war between Israel and Hamas.

You can also read: Nearly 16 hospitals in Gaza are without service after Israeli bombings

The mexican nurse This Wednesday he shared with the media his experience of having lived 26 days in the middle of war and considered that the world cannot remain a spectator when what is happening is a true massacre against civilians.

He assured that Loop It is “a cage” for Palestinians of which only they leave with permits granted by the government of Israel.

“The people in Gaza are very resilient, I don’t know if there is hope, I myself have lost hope on many occasions, but they hope that this will end soon, that the family will still be alive, incredibly the mood in Gaza is one of survival,” she said.

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According to Michelle, the war has even left aside the differences between men and women, civilians and non-civilians in Gaza, since the only thing they seek is to avoid being killed.

What I want to share with you is that there are humans who are suffering, people who are just like me, who have a brain, arms, feet, just like everyone else and they are really suffering too much.

He assured that the uncertainty and the terror they breathe in the Gaza Stripbecause there is no safe place, neither the north nor the south, because they are bombing hospitals, shelters, ambulances, schools.

“I can tell you that in these days since the war broke out there has not been any moment of happiness, there is no moment of concord, we know that they are killing the families of our comrades,” he added.

Michelle, who was two months old working in Gaza as nurse coordinator for Doctors without borders when the Israeli bombings began in response to the attack by the pro-Palestinian group Hamas on October 7, he assures that the medical staff in the area of conflict works without equipment or materials to care for the wounded, who number in the thousands every day.

I had never felt an imminent danger of dying In my life and in Gaza I felt it all the time, there is no water, there is no food, in Gaza you don’t sleep because the bombs fall all the time, they can be heard getting closer and closer, there is no food, people are formed more 24 hours to get a piece of bread, there is no water,” he said.

Likewise, she questioned the Israeli government’s argument for bombing sites where Hamas members allegedly take refuge among civilians, such as hospitals and shelters, pointing out that she visited several of these places and it is not true.

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“Really the only thing I would like to ask is that we not close our eyes to what is happening. They have murdered thousands of people and millions of others do not have the basics, diseases are emerging and there is no way to care for people, doctors are working with what they have, which is very little. Humanitarian aid is increasingly indispensable,” she stressed.


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