Bag of Cheetos disrupts ecosystem at Carlsbad Caverns in US, New Mexico – El Sol de México

Only one bag of cheetos It was enough for the ecosystem of the Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, USAit would become contaminated and authorities would have to do an emergency clean-up of the area.

The bag, which spent only a few hours on the ground, caused the formation of mold and microorganisms foreign to the cave; In addition, the insects that inhabit the place took advantage of the unusual food, thus expanding the contamination stain.

Through its social networks, Carlsbad Caverns National Park He reported that “processed corn, softened by the humidity of the cave, formed the perfect environment to host microbial life and fungi.”

“A world-changing event”

Park rangers described what happened as “an event that changed the world” from the cave.

A simple bag may seem like rubbish to us, but in an environment like a cave, contamination like this can completely change life inside.

According to the report, rangers spent about 20 minutes trying to remove debris and marks left behind by the bag.

However, the bag of cheetos is just the tip of the iceberg. The situation in parks and nature reserves is serious. A study by American researchers reveals that more than 100 million tons of 45 million kilos per yearwhether by visitors or external sources.

The official site states that the Carlsbad Cavern It is part of more than 300 limestone caves in a fossil reef deposited by an inland sea some 265 million years ago.

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In addition, the Carlsbad Caverns National Park, It is home to 67 species of mammals, including 17 species of bats; 357 species of birds; 55 different reptiles and amphibians, five species of fish and more than 600 species of insects.

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