Banco del Bienestar complicates pension payment: it accumulates complaints for almost 135 million pesos – El Sol de México

Complaints filed by users of the Welfare Bank (BanBien) They represented a total of 134.58 million pesos in the first nine months of the year. According to the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) It is the highest amount since records were recorded in 2013.

According to the financial regulator, the majority of complaints were because ATMs did not deliver the requested amount to users, with around 117.17 million pesos. This amount represented a increase of 925 percent compared to the same period in 2022when only 11.43 million pesos were claimed for this concept.

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However, of the claimed resourcesonly 75.40 million pesos were returned to the users. The rest are still “pending a resolution.”

Incomplete cash withdrawals were not the only problem. Until the end of September, the second largest claim originated because Unrecognized withdrawals in the accounts of users of the Welfare Bankboth at ATMs and directly at branches.

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The CNBVheaded by Jesús de la Fuente, reported that complaints about this problem They totaled around 3.66 million pesos until the ninth month of 2023. In the same period last year, these claims totaled around 22.13 million pesos.

One of those affected was Mr. Rogelio Fonseca, who for six months You do not have your physical card to collect your May adult pensionr because an ATM kept it.

His ordeal began when he went to a branch located in the Iztacalco mayor’s office.. Every two months he entered his card at the ATM and when he typed his security code, a legend appeared indicating that he had to replace his card for renewal reasons.

When requesting the help of an executive, they only gave him a sheet of paper with which collect your pension. Since then, he affirms that month after month he has less money than it should and the bank has not given him an official resolution.

“First 200 pesos disappearedthen The number rose to 500 and then doubled. At the bank they only gave me a telephone number to file my complaint and that is the date on which they have not contacted me,” commented the affected Rogelio Fonseca.

Oscar Rosado Jimenezpresident of the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef)stated that so far the complaints at Banco del Bienestar do not represent an “important number within the banking sector.”

According to the official, the financial institution, belonging to the development bankranks approximately between 17th and 18th of all bank complaints in Mexico.

“They are still not relevant complaints from the Banco del Bienestar comparatively with the complaints of the banks. It is still not relevant, it is not even among the 15 banks (with the most complaints),” commented Rosado Jiménez.

If all are considered the complaints of the multiple banking sector, the Condusef has record that these equal 55.6 percent of all disputes presented by clients of financial institutions.

In this ambit, At least 10 of the 50 banks operating in Mexico account for 95 percent of all complaints presented in the last 11 months, many of them by unrecognized movements.

Without giving an exact figure of the total number of complaints towards the Welfare Bank, Rosado Jiménez stressed that those affected are treated physically and each case is followed up on time.

“Since February they have been bringing me back and forth to the branch. Fortunately They no longer take my pension, but it is 10 thousand pesos that until now I have not recovered because they tell me that my procedure is still in process,” he said. Claudia Mendivil.

She is also another of the users affected by unrecognized movements in their Banco del Bienestar accountwhich happened in 2022.

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With the help of his son he interposed a complaint to Condusef. Yes ok The care in this second institution was immediate, even with the care protocols for older adultswhen complaining to the bank they asked him to follow the same path of calling a telephone number.

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