Batres assured that the attackers who beat up residents of Xochimilco will be identified – El Sol de México

Two days from the violence against residents of San Gregorio Atlapulco, in Xochimilcothe head of government of CDMX, Marti Batres He assured that an investigation file has already been opened before the capital’s Prosecutor’s Office, to identify the 30 hooded men who beat elderly people, women and young people at the foot of the demarcation esplanade.

Batres assured that there will be sanctions once the aggressors of the neighbors are identified, who around 2:00 p.m. on Thursday demonstrated on the esplanade of the mayor’s office in support of the teacher Hortensia Telésforo who has been denounced by officials of Xochimilco for the crime of dispossession, when rehabilitating the community library of San Gregorio, which authorities had abandoned.

“We reject violence, wherever it comes from. Violence will never be a legitimate political resource (…). We will not tolerate any abuse of authority (…). We are working with the prosecutor’s office requesting that thorough investigations be carried out into the events that occurred in Xochimilco,” said the head of the capital’s government.

Marti Batres He explained that so far there are no citizen complaints against the hooded attackers; however, the capital government has already opened the investigation file before the Local Attorney General’s Officeby criminal news, that is, by the criminal acts evidenced.

In addition, the official asked those affected by this brawl to go to the Prosecutor’s Office to file their complaints, in order to strengthen the investigations.

The intelligence and investigation teams of both agencies are working to identify each of the people who attacked the protesters. said the Secretary of Citizen Security, Pablo Vázquez.

The Head of Government also explained that Other investigation files were opened to determine whether there was excessive use of public force during the operationwhere dozens of auxiliary police officers assigned to the local Citizen Security Secretariat (SSC) went to guard the Public Prosecutor’s Office of La Joya, in the Tlalpan municipality, where five residents of Xochimilco were arrested during the beatings that afternoon. And where later, nine young people were beaten by police.

“There is an investigation into excessive use of public force at the Tlalpan public ministry office. (…) There was a police intervention to protect the office (…) but it will be reviewed whether there was excessive use of public force,” said Batres.

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In addition, another case opened by the legal staff of the Xochimilco mayor’s office will be followed up on, in which a person was injured in the attacks in the demarcation plaza.

However, the head of government never spoke about the fate of the complaint against the retired teacher from San Gregorio, Hortensia Telésforo, the original reason for the demonstration on September 5.

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