Biden and AMLO talk by phone about irregular migration – El Sol de México

NEW YORK. The President of the United States, Joe Biden, and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, They spoke this Saturday by phone about the challenges of their shared border and they pledged to continue working together, the White House reported.

“Biden expressed his gratitude for Mexico’s operational support and for taking concrete steps to deter the irregular migration and, at the same time, expand legal avenues,” Washington highlights in a statement.

The two leaders reiterated their commitment to strengthen their efforts to counter the Criminal organizations involved in the trafficking of drugs, weapons and people.

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mexico and Central America faced in 2023 an “unprecedented” migratory flow towards USA with up to six thousand migrants newspapers that arrived at the southern border of our country.

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This Saturday, hundreds of people demonstrated in California and Texas -both states bordering Mexico- as part of a simultaneous mobilization called by a conservative group against undocumented migration and the policies of the US president’s government to contain the entry of foreigners.

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