Cats can use more than 300 facial expressions to communicate – El Sol de México

The cats They are more expressive beings than one thinks, and although they may seem serious or disinterested, they are very communicative animals, and they even have a whole compendium of facial expressions for interacting with humans and other cats.

A new study from the University of California, USA, has discovered the advanced mechanism of cats to communicate and they pointed out that there is little more than 300 facial expressions that felines use to communicate their needsyes, either with meows, with the tail and purrs.

How do cats communicate?

Since the cats They have lived with us for about 10 thousand years, cats have been an object of worship, an element associated with black magic, and even tender companions; However, little was known about how they communicated.

To understand more about cat behavior, Lauren Scott and Brittany Florkiewicz studied for months a group of 53 domestic cats in a cafe pet friendly of the Angels.

The registration was carried out in a 194-minute video where 186 communicative events were captured where they were discovered 276 facial expressions that the cats used in a calm environment, and in each one the combination of four of 25 unique facial movements.

Between the facial expressions used are the use of parted lips, dropped jaw, nose licking, position of the whiskers, rotation of the ears and dilation of pupils.

Within a calm environment, 45 percent of the expressions facials were friendly against the 37 percent who were aggressivewhile the remaining one was ambiguous or neutral.

Both scientific They made a comparison and pointed out that the attitudes were similar to those of humans when someone arrives; the felines direct their ears and mustaches when a pleasant interaction occurs, while they push them away when there is a rival, which is also seen in pupils and lip twitching.

Despite the advances in research, some cat faces still remain an enigma; However, there is a theory that there is a communication code with unconscious humans.

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So if you see your cat wagging tail, bristling, meowing, purring, sniffing and having eye contact, It is time to pay attention and understand more about these adorable beings.


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