CCE expects greater economic growth for Mexico – El Sol de México

The Business Coordinating Council (CCE) expects a 3.5 percent growth for the mexican economy this year, greater than predicted a few months ago.

A few months ago, the leading organization of the business sector estimated that the national GDP growth would be three percent this year.

He nearshoringwhich brings with it a greater foreign investment and the increase in exports, is the main trigger of this increase, said Francisco Cervantes, president of the organization.

“In this post-pandemic stage, Mexico and the world have fully entered the new times of relocation or nearshoring (…) Our location within North America allows us to have the conditions to be a reference in this new global era, and to find in nearshoring the definitive key to improve our growth and sustain our development,” he declared. Cervantes.

In his participation in the 19th edition of Congress of the Mexican Business Council of Foreign Trade (Comce), the manager highlighted that the country became the United States’ main trading partner with a exchange of 600 billion dollars expected this year.

“In addition, with the treaties, we keep our border open to 60 percent of the GDP of the entire world,” he stressed.

Regarding investment, he highlighted that Mexico is experiencing one of its best times as a percentage of this area. With respect to GDP, with around 25 percent, while foreign capital reached more than 32 billion of dollars in the first nine months of the year.

“To maintain this pace in the coming years, it is very timely to reflect on the conditions that we are going to require, in addition to respecting the rule of law, generating cutting-edge infrastructure, consolidating public security and promoting training and skills. jobs,” he said.

For its part, the president of Comce, Valentín Díez Morodo, considered that it has not been possible to maximize cross-border shared production processes due to the lack of a comprehensive strategy that allows taking advantage of the numerous comparative advantages.

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Definitely, nearshoring, is once again giving us an opportunity that we must take advantage of, becoming aware of the enormous advantages we have and the problems we face,” he declared.

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