After living 28 days between black waters and having lost much of their assets, hundreds of neighbors of the colonies Cultures of Mexico and Jacalonesmunicipality of Chalcohave begun to be counted by members of the Ministry of Welfare of the government of Mexico and the State of Mexico.
On Thursday morning, one day after it was reported that the events would be cancelled until further notice, censusesnearly 300 public servants called “Servants of the Nation“They went out to the areas further affected for the floods to begin the count of the damages to the inhabitants, mainly from the Cultures of Mexico and Jacalones.
The main task that will be performed by the pollsters will be the ID of damage to the affected homes because of the floodin addition to the damage towards the domestic animals and the diseases of the people who live in the flooded colonies, as specified by Luis Herrera, one of the public servants.
“The only instruction we have is to carry out the census, but surely the intention of this is precisely to generate some support at some point. The census should be carried out by dwelling, although there are cases where there are two dwellings in a single house, we differentiate this because there are separate families,” said Luis.
They mainly check the houses, however, they also do a revision of all that was lost as household utensilstools, as well as identifying structures that may not yet be habitable.
The census of the entire Cultures of Mexico zone is planned to be completed this Thursday, although there are officials who are in other areas of the municipality where the surveys are also being carried out. The same surveyors have declared that, although they do not have an exact date on which they must finish their work, they estimate that it will be done in two or three days.
House-to-house census
Anabel Garcia, one of the affected residents in the Culturas de México neighborhood, said that the officials in charge of the patrols informed them that the census would be conducted house by house, but that four different families lived in her home.
“They say that the census is per house, but there are houses, for example mine, where we are four families. We share a single yard but there are four divided houses, but if they only give you one support per house it is a bit complicated,” he said.
Anabel’s family lost some household appliances, such as the washing machine, the refrigerator and her bed; however, she says that they have not been informed of how much the support is, or whether it will be in kind or monetary.
Read more: Edomex resumes work on collector in Chalco after floods
There are many other residents who claim to have been surveyed a few years ago, when some neighborhoods in the municipality were flooded due to the rains, and they received financial support from the three levels of government. However, on this occasion they do not know what support will be provided.
“They tell me that a few years ago they were given some money, this time I don’t know how they will respond and I don’t expect anything more than help because they were total losses,” said Ana Lília, who recently came to live in the municipality and has a three-month-old baby.
Support for local trade
According to Laura González, head of the Secretariat for Economic Development of the government of the State of Mexico, support will be given to local commerce, the main economic activity of the municipality.
“The idea is that as soon as businesses are allowed to reopen, we can support them with what is necessary to finance the rehabilitation of businesses through the Hummingbird Credita program of the Government of the State of Mexico,” the official said.
The program’s central axis is to be able to grant supports and financing accessible to the micro and small businesses; This is a fund to remodel or rehabilitate businesses.
So far the Secretariat of Economic Development has an estimate of 200 businesses affected in the area with the greatest negative consequences due to flooding, however, with the help of the census they will obtain an accurate figure of how much support will be granted and the level of impact.
Posted in The Sun of Toluca