CFE substation explosion reported in Juriquilla, Querétaro – El Sol de México

An apparent short circuit in a transformercaused the explosion at substation of the Federal electricity commission (CFE), located in Juriquilla, and which left several residential areas and towns in the Santa Rosa Jáuregui Delegation, north of the capital of Queretaro, without service.

During the first hours of this Wednesday, November 8, a Loud noise woke up residents of the Jurica and Juriquilla subdivisionderived from the electric arc that formed after the short circuit.

This incident caused electricity service was interruptedmainly for the majority of the communities of the Santa Rosa Jáuregui Delegation and the surrounding residential areas.

It was after reporting to the emergency number that the emergency services moved up to this point to attend to the incident and try to put the situation under control, since After the explosion, a fire broke out in the transformer.

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Preliminarily, no injuries have been reportedso only extensive material damage has been detected in the substation, so Electricity service could take several hours until the corresponding repairs are made.

Originally published in Querétaro Diary


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