Chilangos live in inequality: 80% lack well-being conditions – El Sol de México

Social inequality in Mexico City prevails because 80 percent of its population does not have well-being conditions and only one million 900 thousand people have a decent income and without social deficiencies, reported Paulina Gutiérrez Jiménez, responsible for Articulation and Innovation of Citizen Action Against Poverty.

The Sun of Mexico interviewed the member of that organization, who prepared a Social scale, with data from National Council for Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval), which indicated that the country’s capital occupies seventh place among eight entities whose residents live in well-being conditions. This measurement, which its authors described as an x-ray, puts Baja California Sur, Baja California, Nuevo León, Chihuahua, Coahuila and Colima above Mexico City.

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The interviewee explained that if we add to this those who do not have deficiencies and surpassed the poverty linebut they have a survival income less than the cost of two basic baskets, gives a total of seven million 400 thousand people without well-being conditions, which represents 80 percent of the capital’s residents.

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“In the Mexico City we are better than in Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guerrerowhere almost 97 percent of its population does not live in well-being conditions“We are 80 percent, but it is unacceptable for a city like Mexico City, where there are better salaries, industries, services that have a very dynamic economy,” he stated.

He recalled that the capital has nine and a half million inhabitants, of them one million 900 thousand have a decent income and They live without lack. He stated that this is inequality and it is unfair that 80 out of every 100 residents of the capital live like this.

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One of the main roots of inequality persists in Mexico City is economic exclusion in which they are youths and womenwho live in poverty conditions because they were condemned to do care work and work at home, since programs that favored economic inclusion of the female sector of the population.

The alternative proposed by that organization is undertake structural change with a new model social protectionwhich includes a system of care for guarantee an income for women who are now “condemned” to carry out these tasks.


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