Citizen Council questions reduction in number of missing people – El Sol de México

He Citizen Search Council of Mexico City demanded the government and the Capital Justice Prosecutor’s Office clarify and make transparent the decrease in the reporting of missing persons, which went from eight thousand people registered in July of this year to 6,725.

“Until July of this year there was a registration of eight thousand people, now it seems that the number has dropped by approximately 1,500 registrations. We do not know what he is addressing, at the time as the Council we issued this statement making this strange and requesting the government of the Mexico City an explanation of what model it is based on,” said the advisor Natalia Pérez Cordero.

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It is necessary to have an explanation from the authorities to know what the methodology or state search plan was that they implemented to determine this decrease.

He stated that It is necessary to have an explanation from the authorities to know what the methodology or state search plan was that they implemented to determine this decrease.. Last Tuesday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the Mexico City registration and search model for missing persons is the same as that replicated in the states.

It is not known if these people were located. Which We know that today there are not 8 thousand missing peopleas there was until July of this year, What we know is that today there are 6,725 people who are still searching for a missing relative.. “We don’t know what the reasons are or if there is a localization issue,” she added.

He Citizen Council of the Search Commission presented his conclusion report three years after having been installed after his appointment by the Congress of Mexico City.

Counselor Valentina Peralta Puga warned that there is a serious crisis in forensic services because there is a record of 18 thousand 62 bodies or abandoned remains in the common pits from 1956 to 2022.

“Is forensic search essential and for this it is required that the forensic crisis be recognized and act with the approach of mass search for identification purposes. We are not going to go look for a person who was already known to have been in the mass grave because we are going to disorganize all the others, to dismantle them, to mix their fluids, we are going to carry out a new attack on those people who, although they are lifeless “They have to be treated with dignity,” he said.

Peralta Puga highlighted that It is necessary that a budget of around 270 million pesos be allocated in 2024 for forensic services at the Institute of Expert Services and Forensic Sciences (INCIFO) and the construction of a Forensic Temporary Shelter Center which will serve to be able to protect the bodies in a dignified manner and return them to their families.

“Need start with 90 million pesos for this first stage and there is no one to put them up. There is no local or federal entity that says I will provide the money, when it is an obligation of the Mexican state. The people who are there without life are not cared for, why? Because they don’t vote, that’s the issue, how much do they spend on (electoral) campaign advertising? ”She highlighted.

According to the local commission, Every day three bodies arrive at the mass graveswhile Between 2019 and 2022, an average of 888 people were buried each yearso there is no official information that allows us to identify the level of delay in the bodies of deceased, unidentified and unclaimed people.

Single registration

The Members of the Citizen Search Council requested the creation of a Single Registry of Missing Persons in Mexico Cityto standardize search protocols that make it possible to expedite, collect and facilitate the search for people, as well as exchange information with institutions and prosecutors’ offices.

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“We were able to observe that Each institution has its own registry and hardly shares information which makes it difficult and impossible to find missing people. Until now, the Prosecutor’s Office has one search registry, the Search Commission another, and the forensic service another. and none of them communicate adequately, in addition to acting as isolated entities,” said counselor Elena Azaola Garrido.

The Citizen Council considered urgent the immediate creation of the Registry of Deceased, Unidentified or Unclaimed Persons and the Registry of Common Graves and Clandestine Graves in Mexico City that establishes the Local Search Law and the State Exhumation Program.

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