Civil society for peace: Acapulco – El Sol de México

October 2023 left an indelible mark on Acapulco, with the fury of the hurricane transforming landscapes and lives. In this challenging context, reconstruction goes beyond infrastructure; It involves restoring the social fabric and building peace. The active participation of civil society becomes an essential component to forge a resilient and peaceful future.

Hurricane reconstruction is not just about putting up buildings; It is an opportunity to rebuild communities. Each of us, as civil society, plays a key role in being a catalyst for initiatives that not only repair physical damage, but also address the emotional and social scars left by the tragedy.

The networks we build as a society are invaluable support. From the distribution of basic aid to emotional support, community solidarity is a fundamental pillar for reconstruction. It reminds us how each of our actions adds incomparable strength.

Involving civil society in decision-making related to reconstruction ensures that the needs and aspirations of the community are considered. Transparency and inclusion are crucial elements to building an equitable and participatory process. When the community feels an integral part, the foundations for lasting peace are laid.

It is important to look at the future as our present, so that we also strengthen resilience towards prevention against future disasters. From the implementation of practices that adapt to the needs that Acapulco presents and can present.

Even lead educational efforts that prepare the community to face similar challenges in the future, but from a starting point that can protect them before it happens. By empowering the community with knowledge and skills, a solid foundation is built to confront adversity constructively.

The active participation of civil society in post-hurricane reconstruction is essential for building peace in Acapulco. Beyond the immediate response, civil society plays an ongoing role in transforming adversity into opportunity. By working together, as we have done in continuous situations, we have demonstrated this. Let us also not forget to recognize it, for being a society that is willing to extend its hand regardless of the situation, be it a hurricane, an earthquake or the construction of peace in our country.

Marina Ortiz Lara

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