Claudia Sheinbaum commits to defending the salary at the CATEM congress – El Sol de México

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Fourth Transformation, committed to defending the salary and benefits of workers, inviting them to accompany her in the pre-campaign that will begin.

“We are going to walk together so that this transformation initiated by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador continues,” he said while announcing the formalization of a coalition with the Autonomous Confederation of Workers and Employees (CATEM).

Within the framework of the XV Ordinary National Congress of this Workers’ Central, which took place in the Arena CDMX, where the Labor Defense Committees of the 4T took the protest with delegates in the 31 entities of the Republic, Sheinbaum Pardo, said:

“This great coalition unites us with something fundamental, which is to continue with the Fourth Transformation and its purpose is the unity of the people, the Fourth Transformation of the public life of Mexico.”


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