Cobach workers are discounted fortnight to support victims – El Sol de México

Directors of the 130 Colegio de Bachilleres campuses, as well as trusted workers and management positions in the administration of this educational subsystem, They were forced to contribute a fortnight of their salary supposedly to channel aid to the victims of the port of Acapulco; however, They were not explained how the support would be delivered. nor for what sector of the population.

According to the complainants, who asked that their names be omitted, the director of Colegio de Bachilleres personally communicated with all the directors to ask them to fortnight they received on October 30 They returned it to the administration and this It would be used to support those affected by Hurricane Otis.

Even the directors themselves Acapulco squad They were forced to return the fortnight, that is, they They are doubly affected, on the one hand by the damage from the storm and on the other by the decision to take away their salaries.

Until now the College of Bachelors has not reported how much he collected from the forced collection of the directors, nor how he invested them; how support was channeled to the victims; if you delivered the resource to the official collection centers; How was the instruction of the state government and Presidency of the Republic and the confusion of the orders meant that the support would only be provided by the Army and the Navy.

It should be noted that the High School College, The day the hurricane hit the port of Acapulco, there was an academic and sports meeting with the participation of 640 students from all schools in the state. By instructions of the director Jesús Villanueva Vega and his Private Secretary Fernández Hernández, They refused to cancel the event, putting the lives of the young people who ended up refugees at risk. on a hotel staircase.

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The students walked for hours to leave Acapulco and ask for support to return to their places of origin.

Until now, the managers They have not informed if there will be any sanctions to those responsible who neglected the call to suspend activities and they went ahead with an event just an hour before the hurricane winds will begin to be felt.

Note published in The Sun of Acapulco

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